Please know that 90% of our work is restricted because of the type of work that we do. Below are a sample of the videos that are not under a non-disclosure notice and give you an idea of our work.
We pride ourselves of the strict confidentiality we have with our clients. They know that their projects are always in the best hands.
Developing an short and simple animated videos for Leeds City Council around The Leeds Big Chat. This animation was an introduction to a bigger project to help people understand what the City Council and NHS are doing to help with the residents in the Leeds area, and how they are responding to feedback.
Working with Target, we created an induction video that went out to everyone that attended their offices. This helped visitors to the site understand where to go, where to park and what might happen while on site. This is a key example of one of the types of internal communication health and safety contractor videos we make.
Promotional video to promote the end of University of Hulls Scarborough campus and how the students are going to make the very best of the last year. The video was also to highlighting the future of the campus beyond University of Hull
Working with Leeds CCG (now ICB), we created a highly informative video that’s designed to highlight the benefits and needs of Advanced Care Planning. The video is targeted towards those that need to consider an Advanced Care Plan; and care assistants that would be in a position to discuss it with their patients.
Occasionally we are commissioned to creating promotion website videos, such as the one we made for Skipton Business Finance. Part of the Skipton Building Society. This video is energetic, fast and informative to those considering Invoice Finance.
Working with Target, we where commissioned to create a promotional video for their Verature Contractor Management software, that not only promoted but guided the viewer through the benefits of using the software.
Working with the University of Hull on a follow up project, we where commissioned to make an animated video that carefully communicated their 2020 ambition as part of their Strategic Plan of 2016 – 2020.
We’ve partnered with Next to create videos promoting their Christmas Temporary and Customer Service Adviser roles. Each 90-second video was designed to be compelling even without sound, ensuring effectiveness for Facebook ads.
The Animation Agency
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